Welcome to PinAccl !



Dear Customer,


We are proud to participate to the expansion of Concentrated Photovoltaics.


In our view, CPV is destined to spread to most deserts of the world where the Solar illumination is convenient.


We believe CPV will establish an even stronger ground as the efficiency of III-V solar cells is improved and as more abundant semiconducting materials can be processed.


But we do not need to wait all that long! Already, CPV can challenge if not outperform modern silicon technologies by performance,  kWh pricing and cost of ownership.



Enjoy your visit through our website and do get in touch.

Hopefully this will bring to a fruitful collaboration and a rush of innovative ideas.


We will take you on step closer to the Sun.


No matter what it takes...



Sylvain Misat




















Concentrated PhotoVoltaics All-round Consulting